Inline Tags Sample Module Code
* Module implementing Drupal's hook_nodeapi
* @see
* Important Note: This is sample code. You'll need to modify this code to just use the inline tags on your choice of content types
* and to check if the user has permission to use inline tags
function inlinetags_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
switch ($op) {
case 'submit':
//before stuff makes it into the database (before update or insert)
case 'presave':
//parse out any inline tags within body
$bd = _parseinlinetags( $node->body );
//parse out any inline tags that may have made it into the teaser
$ts = _parseinlinetags( $node->teaser );
//replace the body with a version that has removed the inline tags code
$node->body = $bd[0];
//replace the teaser with a version that has removed the inline tags code
$node->teaser = $ts[0];
//if there were any preexisting tags then add them to the tag string
if ($bd[1] !=''){
//note my tags vocabulary id is just hard coded here
$vid = 1;
$tagstring = $bd[1];
//if there were pre-existing tags, add them to the tag string
if ($node->taxonomy['tags'][1]!='') {
//prepend the new tags to any old ones
$tagstring .= ','.$node->taxonomy['tags'][1];
//now add them to the tags vocab for the insert or update operation
$node->taxonomy['tags'] = array($vid => $tagstring);
case 'insert':
case 'update':
case 'view':
* A private function to parse out placeholder tags
* This version has been stripped to parse out just placeholders with a format like:
* @param string $page_contents
* @return array an array with $return[0] the tags parsed out and $return[1] as a string with the tags
function _parseinlinetags( $page_contents )
$matches = explode( '' ) );
$pageplaceholder = str_replace( '[/tags]', '', $placeholder );
$search = '';
$page_contents = str_replace ( $search, '', $page_contents );
$return[] = $page_contents;
$return[] = $pageplaceholder;
return $return;
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